Monday, November 7, 2016

When you ban things for morality reasons, bad things happen.

With all the talk about marijuana legalization, one might wonder how it became illegal in the first place.  This blog is not really about marijuana, but it’s a good place to start.

First off, marijuana is not even the correct name for it.  “Marijuana” is actually a form of Mexican tobacco, the plant everyone refers to today is actually cannabis or hemp.

In the 1930’s, one of the uses for hemp was paper.  It provided a fast, efficient way to make paper without having to wait for trees to grow and chop down.

John D Rockefeller, a big newspaper magnate saw it as a threat to his paper industry so he had to think of a moral argument to get it banned so it wouldn’t pose a threat to his business.

He decided to run a story which only appeared in his newspaper (how convenient!) by Harry J. Anslinger of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (the original DEA).  In it, Anslinger, a known racist, stated that men of black and latino descent were smoking it, getting extra amorous and going around raping white women.   Which of course was just bullshit designed to make people panic about it.  This was the 1930’s, after all.

That is how hemp was outlawed.  Of course, when it became illegal bad shit started to happen.   It gave business to the drug cartels, which is the biggest side effect to making it illegal.  There are many other economic, social and health issues that have surfaced due to it being banned, too many to list in fact.  

But it’s not just hemp.  It is many things that are either banned, or things that people push to be banned simply because they have a certain sense of “morality” that they feel needs to be shared with the rest of the nation.  But as the title says: When you ban shit for morality reasons, bad things happen.

There are two major examples of things that people want outlawed, plus one that is the prime example of what happens you ban shit for morality reasons.  Let’s start with the two examples first.

1. Abortion.

Let’s get one thing out of the way: I am very pro-choice, but even I know that overturning Roe V. Wade would just leave it up to the states to decide.  You know as well as anyone that states like Alabama would immediately outlaw it if Roe V. Wade was overturned.  

I will quote something that someone said to me recently: “I am not a fan of laws that cannot be enforced.  If a woman wants an abortion, she will get an abortion!”

That is the problem right there.  If you outlaw abortion, then women will just have “back alley” abortions and put themselves in significant harm.  You will have women taking plane rides and road trips to states that will keep it legal.  But it’s not just that.  

For women that could not get an abortion and are desperate, you will be seeing women throwing their unwanted babies in dumpsters / trash cans.  Orphanages will fill up to beyond capacity.  In addition, unwanted children in these states will be abused and neglected by their mothers that decide to keep them after its born, causing child abuse cases to skyrocket.

Or, you’ll have stories like this:

Yes, it is awful.  This is a different type of case, though.  When states cannot ban something for morality reasons, they put restrictions on it.  I just looked on Planned Parenthood’s website and Nebraska is one of the states that require a parent to grant permission for an abortion.  I am willing to bet my lunch money that the girl knew her mother would refuse to allow her an abortion, so she got desperate and when people are desperate they do some crazy fucked up shit. 

2. Pornography.

Remember when Rick Santorum wanted to ban pornography?  A little reminder:

If you were to ban porn, you would be causing a lot of people to lose their jobs.  I’m not just talking about the performers, either.  I’m talking about the camera guys, the editors, the web designers, etc.

The rhetoric on porn that guys like Santorum like to spew is that porn can lead to committing sexual assault.  That alone is untrue to the point of being slanderous, and all it takes is a quick research on countries where pornography is outlawed to where it’s legal.  Hint: sexual assault is higher in countries where it’s outlawed.  The reason is simple: If you are freely allowed to get your release to a two-dimensional tart on your computer monitor, you are lot less likely to bottle it up until you explode on a real-life unwilling female.  I’ll be the first to say it: If a city or state bans porn, they better be prepared to hire more SVU detectives.

The other bullshit rhetoric that anti-porn people like to spout is that guys who watch porn tend to, um, have issues getting aroused to a real-life person.  True, consuming any porn might raise a guy’s standards to a level that causes him to overlook an otherwise viable partner just because she doesn’t look like Dani Daniels or Jelena Jenson.  But even so, you will be hard pressed to find any man who can’t get it up for a real-life woman in the flesh.  Besides, all media is guilty of desensitizing people.


And now, the poster child for what happens when you ban shit for morality reasons:

Prohibition of alcohol aka the eighteenth amendment.

 The 18th amendment aka “prohibition” is the best example of why you should never ban shit just because you think it’s morally wrong.  Prohibition was difficult to enforce and just created a whole slew of criminal enterprises.  Thankfully, the 21st amendment repealed it.

In fact, if you look at the entry for the 21st amendment here, you will see a quote that John D Rockefeller (Yes, him) said about it:

“When Prohibition was introduced, I hoped that it would be widely supported by public opinion and the day would soon come when the evil effects of alcohol would be recognized. I have slowly and reluctantly come to believe that this has not been the result. Instead, drinking has generally increased; the speakeasy has replaced the saloon; a vast army of lawbreakers has appeared; many of our best citizens have openly ignored Prohibition; respect for the law has been greatly lessened; and crime has increased to a level never seen before.”

Notice the part where he said that drinking actually increased under prohibition.  That is because when something is illegal, there is a “rush” that you get when you do something that you know could get you in trouble.  When it’s legal to purchase and consume, that rush is simply not there anymore and it’s less fun to actually do it.  


Now for the rebuttals that people reading this may have:

1. But weed is a gateway drug!  That is why it was banned!  Not because it was competition!

If you actually say this, congrats, you’re a moron that deserves to have your rebuttal privileges revoked.  It has been proven to NOT, I repeat NOT be a gateway drug.

98% of weed users never move on to harder drugs, and that remaining 2% would have done so anyway even without weed being in the picture.  But keep on having this extremely outdated mindset!

2. If you make weed legal it’s going to cause all sorts of problems.  Look at Colorado.

Record levels of tax revenue collected, to the point that Colorado had to give some of it back to its citizens.  Drops in all sorts of crime (Especially domestic violence, because after all if you’re mellowed out on weed you’re a lot less likely to beat your wife/girlfriend).  Record job growth.   A boom in the food service industry.  A police force that can concentrate on real criminals instead of busting someone for having weed.  People have access to a medicine that actually works with no side effects.  If these are “problems,” then bring them on!

3. If porn “desensitizes” a guy to the point that he passes over a viable partner because she doesn’t have the body of a pornstar, then yes that is a problem.

You might as well blame all media for it, as I wrote previously.  Ever heard of “two girls one room?”  No, it’s not a viral shock video.  Basically, it goes like this: There are two women in a room, one looks like a beautiful celebrity while the other is obese with pimples all over her face.  Now let’s say a guy is placed in that room and is asked to choose the woman he would want to date.  100 times out of 100, he will choose the woman that looks like the celebrity.  But let’s say that the celebrity look-alike has no interest in him, while the obese woman does.  100 times out of 100, I am betting that the guy would rather pick no one and stay single then pick the obese woman.  After all, it’s better to be alone and happy then be taken and miserable.   It’s what happens when attractive women are the norm in the media.  It’s not just movies or TV shows either, look at the vast majority of the weather and traffic girls on your local TV news station.  When it’s the norm, the brain assumes that is what it should go for.

4. If porn doesn’t drive men to committing sexual assault, why did Elizabeth Smart say that her captor would watch porn then rape her?

Make no mistake: What Elizabeth Smart went through I would not wish on even my worst enemy.

But let’s be honest here.  Her captor did not need to watch porn to be a raging, sexually assaulting dirtbag.  He already was one that just happened to watch porn.  Correlation is definitely NOT the same as causation.  His material of choice could have been a benign documentary of hummingbirds.  It would not have mattered.  He still would have been a raging, sexually assaulting dirtbag no matter what he watched.  Unfortunately, everyone likes to have a “fall guy,” and in this case porn was that fall guy.



The moral of the story here (pun not intended), is that yes there are many things that people don’t like.  But when you ban those things just because you don’t like it, a whole slew of problems start popping up.  Problems that you never saw coming that are actually worse than the thing you managed to outlaw.  Is it worth it just because you think something is immoral?  Remember guys: What is immoral to someone else may be perfectly acceptable to another.  Does not mean it should be outlawed just because someone doesn’t like it.

Have a good day!